CHIN hosted its Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Brain Health Awareness event this week at Bonita Lake’s Coots Crossing Pavilion, featuring neurologists from Anderson and Rush hospitals. Dr. Zaineb Daud from Anderson and Dr. Michael Garbee from Rush, each presented valuable information to an eager audience with loved ones, battling dementia or Alzheimer’s specifically. With an overwhelming 105 people to register and attend, the doctors answered questions from the audience after their presentations.

Kristen White, Program Manager with the Alzheimer’s Association / Mississippi Chapter based in Ridgeland, MS, was also on hand answering questions and sharing their 24-hour hotline refrigerator magnets with the attendees. Knox stated, “The question and answer sessions always prove to be the most valuable piece in the Lunch & Learn event because the community members receive accurate information from a medical professional.“ The event concluded with Fitness Coach, Arthur Harris, sharing a few exercises the attendees can do at home to stimulate the blood flow in the brain.

Knox says, “People are already calling about next month’s Lunch & Learn focusing on Anxiety and Depression.”

You have the opportunity to support improving community health. Donations and contributions may be accepted for CHIN through Venmo.

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